Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Suck

Man, I sure did slack off on blogging...I am debating even keeping it going :-( I don't know what I am gonna do, I feel like all my time is spent on Facebook so I forget my blog. And, the days have been LONG with the boys...they are awesome but it's still a long day dealing with 2 9 month olds!

I can't believe they are almost a year old...INSANE!!!I never thought I would see this day...I thought I would lose my mind first :-) My how things have changed since those first 2 months!!

Little Parks got his helmet about a month ago...he is freakin adorable in it and doesn't seem to mind it at all. He still sleeps 12 hours a night...thank God!!! We already see an improvement! They both have teeth now which is wild to me!!! They are big boys!!!


  1. Hey! I almost emailed you yesterday to see if you were alive! The boys are soooo cute. Love the helmet. We saw a huge improvement that first month.

  2. they are gorgeous - I'm sure they're busy. K is crawling up a storm and she keeps us on the trot.

    he looks so cute in his helmet - i didn't even know he was getting one

  3. I suck at blogging too, but am trying to commit to putting something up every day in April. We'll see how that goes! Don't give it up completely, just do it when you can.

    The boys are be.a.u.tiful! I'm sure they keep you busy!

  4. look at the kid's expression.

  5. Wow, the boys have surely grown. They are so adorable. I love the pictures you've posted. How cute! Glad to hear that you are all doing good.

  6. Yeah ... you're still blogging! :0
